Post by Kimmy on Aug 17, 2020 6:45:36 GMT
A spoonerism is a pair of words that can have their initial sounds switched to form new words. The pairs need only sound the same, not necessarily be spelled the same (power saw & sour paw, horse cart & coarse heart). There may sometimes be one or two connecting words (kick the stone & stick the cone, king of the rats & ring of the cats). Given the following definitions, what are the spoonerisms? 1) punched when starting work & discussion about scaling a mountain 2) a container of fibs & a shortage of baked goods 3) hasty vacation & prank gibe 4) a mongoose & artificial precipitation
Post by BC on Aug 17, 2020 21:56:26 GMT
2) pack of lies / lack of pies
Post by Kimmy on Aug 18, 2020 8:24:41 GMT
2) pack of lies / lack of pies Answer 1) time clock & climb talk 2) pack of lies & lack of pies 3) quick trip & trick quip 4) snake foe & fake snow
Post by Kimmy on Aug 18, 2020 8:26:46 GMT
At a train station in Sydney, Australia, an intelligent rich man was awaiting his upper class rail transport. He was sorting through his wallet and pulled out credit cards, receipts, and $200 in cash. An egotistical scam artist (and a talented one at that) approached the man and said to him, "I'll bet you, on all the money in your wallet, that I can get a packet of chips out of that snack machine without inserting any money!" The rich man, who was intrigued by this 'talent', readily agreed. The scam artist walked over to the snack dispenser, stuck his hand up through the compartments, and a chip packet fell out. The rich man was amazed, but being a faithful businessman, stuck to his word, yet the scam artist walked off without a penny.
Post by liz on Aug 18, 2020 20:05:15 GMT
The rich man had emptied his wallet of credit cards, receipts and cash.
Post by Kimmy on Aug 19, 2020 8:49:07 GMT
The rich man had emptied his wallet of credit cards, receipts and cash. Answer The rich man had already removed all the money and items from his wallet before he made the bet. Therefore, when he gave the scammer all the money in his wallet, it totaled $0!
Post by Kimmy on Aug 19, 2020 8:50:45 GMT
Hidden below you will find five uncommon titles to five classic novels. Can you decipher them? 1. Vanished with the Tempest 2. Enmity of the Globes 3. Dinky Maidens 4. A Chronicle of a Couple of Municipalities 5. Contention and Conciliation
Post by liz on Aug 19, 2020 20:06:52 GMT
1. Gone With The Wind 2. War Of The Worlds 3. Little Women 4. A Tale Of Two Cities 5. War And Peace
Post by Kimmy on Aug 20, 2020 8:35:51 GMT
1. Gone With The Wind 2. War Of The Worlds 3. Little Women 4. A Tale Of Two Cities 5. War And Peace Answer 1. Gone with the Wind 2. War of the Worlds 3. Little Women 4. Tale of Two Cities 5. War and Peace
Post by Kimmy on Aug 20, 2020 8:37:14 GMT
At least four of the statements here are true. 1. None of the other statements are true. 2. Statements 1 and 3 are both false. 3. Not all of the above statements are true. 4. Statement 1 is true. 5. If Statement 2 is true, then at least 3 other statements are true. Which of these statements are true?
Post by BC on Aug 20, 2020 23:28:22 GMT
Number 3 maybe?
Post by Kimmy on Aug 21, 2020 8:26:13 GMT
Number 3 maybe? Answer Statements 3 and 5 (only) are true. The catch is that the first sentence is also a statement, it just wasn't numbered.
Post by Kimmy on Aug 21, 2020 8:26:49 GMT
Based on the clue in parentheses, find a four-letter word that can be inserted backwards into the blank to complete a longer word. Example: di____ve (a defeat) Answer: dissolve ("A defeat" gives you LOSS, which is placed backwards in the blank: di_SSOL_ve.) 1. s____ing (earth) 2. si____lk (felt reverent) 3. cam____e (chauffeur driven car) 4. s____way (bass; extreme)
Post by BC on Aug 21, 2020 20:19:34 GMT
1. dirt > striding 2. ? 3. limo > camomile 4. deep > speedway
Post by Kimmy on Aug 22, 2020 8:50:29 GMT
1. dirt > striding 2. ? 3. limo > camomile 4. deep > speedway Answer 1. striding (DIRT - s_TRID_ing) 2. sidewalk (AWED - si_DEWA_lk) 3. camomile (LIMO - cam_OMIL_e) 4. speedway (DEEP - s_PEED_way)
Post by Kimmy on Aug 22, 2020 8:55:00 GMT
When Question Mark unlocked the door, he thought that he would see his wallet straight away. But Skid Mark (Question's brother) decided to put the wallet in a safe. The combination is three 2-digit numbers which can be expressed like this: xx-xx-xx You are given the following clues to work out the combination: The total of the three numbers is 39. The second number is half of the third number. The first number is the third number minus 1. Can you find Question's wallet in time? It's all up to you.
Post by liz on Aug 22, 2020 20:07:36 GMT
The combination is 15 - 08 - 16.
Post by Kimmy on Aug 23, 2020 7:36:37 GMT
The combination is 15 - 08 - 16. Answer The combination is 15-08-16. Thank you for helping Question get his wallet back.
Post by Kimmy on Aug 23, 2020 7:37:11 GMT
Your task is to find words that, after taking their first letters away, have related meanings. Example: Behead an animal and leave an animal (FOX, OX). 1. Behead a musical instrument and leave a musical instrument. 2. Behead a margin and leave a margin. 3. Behead to liquefy and leave to liquefy. 4. Behead to ascend and leave to ascend. 5. Behead a proper name and leave a proper name.
Post by BC on Aug 23, 2020 22:06:03 GMT
2. brim / rim
3. squash / quash maybe? 4. arise / rise
Post by Kimmy on Aug 24, 2020 9:27:26 GMT
2. brim / rim
3. squash / quash maybe? 4. arise / rise Answer 1. FLUTE-LUTE 2. BRIM-RIM 3. SMELT-MELT 4. ARISE-RISE 5. MABEL-ABEL
Post by Kimmy on Aug 24, 2020 9:29:41 GMT
What is half of 8, yet isn't 2 x 2, 0 also isn't what I'm looking for from you.
Post by BC on Aug 24, 2020 20:47:25 GMT
Post by Kimmy on Aug 25, 2020 9:21:12 GMT
Answer 3. If you cut 8 in half down the middle vertically.
Post by Kimmy on Aug 25, 2020 9:23:48 GMT
Five pirates are trying to split up 1000 gold pieces. The rules are as follows: Pirate #1 must divide the gold up in such a way that a majority of the pirates (including himself) agree to. If he does not get a majority vote, he will be killed, and pirate #2 will get to propose a solution to the remaining 3 pirates, and the same rules will follow. This continues until someone comes up with a plan that earns a majority vote. What is the most amount of gold pieces that pirate #1 can keep to himself, and what would his proposal be? The pirates are infinitely greedy, infinitely ruthless (the more dead pirates the better), and infinitely intelligent. Hint Start backwards - what would pirate #4's options be if the first 3 pirates were killed?
Post by Kimmy on Aug 26, 2020 6:37:48 GMT
Like the hint says, start backwards:
If there are two pirates left (#4 & #5), #4 has no options. No matter what he proposes, pirate #5 will disagree, resulting in a 1-1 vote (no majority). #5 will kill #4 and will keep all of the gold.
Now say there are 3 pirates left. #4 has to agree with whatever #3 decides, because if he doesn't #3 will be killed (because #5 won't vote for #3's proposal no matter what it is). #3 will just propose that he keep all of the gold and will get a 2-1 vote in his favor.
Now if there are 4 pirates left: #3 won't vote for #2's proposal because if #2's fails, #3 will get all of the gold. #4 and #5 know that they will get nothing if the decision goes to #3, so they will vote for #2's proposal if he gives them one gold piece each. Therefore, #2 would keep 998 gold, and #4 and #5 would each get one gold.
So let's wrap this up: Pirate #1 needs 2 other votes. He will not get a vote from #2 because #2 will get 998 gold if #1's plan fails. #1 offers #3 one gold piece to vote for him, which #3 will accept (if it gets to #2's plan, #3 will get nothing). #1 then offers #4 or #5 (doesn't matter which) two gold pieces, which is more than they would get with #2's plan. So #1 can end up with 997 gold pieces, with #3 getting one piece and #4 or #5 getting two pieces.
Post by Kimmy on Aug 26, 2020 6:38:30 GMT
When you curtail a word, you remove the last letter and still have a valid word. You will be given clues for the two words, longer word first. Example: Begin -> Heavenly body Answer: The words are Start and Star. 1. Water pitcher -> Sheep 2. Inclined surface -> Sheep 3. Platform; phase -> Deer 4. Slow-moving mammal -> Small opening 5. Tub -> Flying mammal 6. Marine mammal -> Large body of water 7. Desert mammal -> Arrived 8. Type of lizard -> Body covering
Post by liz on Aug 26, 2020 18:59:17 GMT
1. Ewer/ewe 2. Ramp/ram 3. Stage/stag 4. ? 5. Bath/bat 6. Seal/sea 7. Camel/came 8. ?
Post by BC on Aug 26, 2020 22:27:17 GMT
4. Sloth/slot
8. Skink/skin
Post by Kimmy on Aug 27, 2020 10:49:23 GMT
1. Ewer/ewe 2. Ramp/ram 3. Stage/stag 4. ? 5. Bath/bat 6. Seal/sea 7. Camel/came 8. ?